Sunday, April 23, 2006

This one is for TUNG!!!

Super old picture but still fun none the less!!!

Well this post is kinda for Tamarah because we need to have a record of our tasks to do before you here they are!

1. Have a photo shoot because I do believe we havn't had one yet!!
2. Have a work lunch together because we work so close to each other now!
3. Go to Landon's lake
4. Have our One Tree Hill Marathon...also now known as OTHM

And finally number 5 which will have to be a huge group thing....Go out with a group of people in our Grad dresses/outfits!!

Friday, April 21, 2006


Haha this is one of my girls, on my last day of you can tell I worked them real hard! lol

Well Monday was the last day that I worked at Arby's and as of today they can no longer call me in!! Whoo...actually it was kinda bitter sweet. I really was disliking my job there but it was my first job ever! and I've been there for sooo long! Anyhow the last day of work was a gong show as always! Lets see what happened:
-I was late by 30 minutes cus apperenalty I can't read
-I had to haul buns across Quebec cus our bun deliver guy never showed up lol..(but I got to yell at him and his boss on the phone! bonus!)
-I got water dumped on me when the fridge began to defrost! lol...white shirt + water = not cool
-And lastly I managed to get my arm stuck in a napkin dispenser lol

Overall it was a shift I will never forget lol!!!

But the best news about jobs is that I started my new job at The Home Depot today! Hurrah! Actually it was just orientation but it was a blast!! There are two crazy guys in my group from Columbia, who don't really speak english which is sweet..Rodrigo taught me Spanish today lol! And there is a girl that I am working with that is awsome! Overall a much better day at work that at Arby's!!! hoo-rahh!!!!

Friday, April 14, 2006

It fits!!!!

Ok so I know this is retarded but meh!! I was super family is gone away for Easter, and I am alone with a lot of time to waste. So I found my Grad dress. "Hmm...Do you think it'll still fit?" questioned me to myself. So with all my time to waste I tried it on! And it still fits!! hurrah!!

So there I am in my kitchen in my still fitting grad dress, late at night (sorry about the crappy was taken on my web cam..)

See what I mean about kinda retarded? But oh well it is great! It still fits!

Some Random Letter Thing

Well I was bored and I saw this on Jamie's blog so I decided to do it too. It was great, you should all try it lol!

K - You like to try new things.
a - You always want some action.
t - You have an attitude, a big one.
h - You have very good personality and looks.
e - You are popular with all types of people.
r - You are a social butterfly.
i - Love is something you deeply believe in.
n - You can be very "FUN"
e - You are popular with all types of people.


A - You always want some action.
B - You are always cautious when it comes to meeting new people.
C - You definitely have a partier side in you.
D - You have trouble trusting people.
E - You are popular with all types of people.
F - Fake.
G - You are very friendly and undestanding.
H - You have very good personality and looks.
I - Love is something you deeply believe in.
J - Everyone loves you.
K - You like to try new things.
L - You are always smiling and making others smile.
M - Success comes easily to you.
N - You can be very "FUN"
O - You love foreplay.
P - You are very friendly and understanding.
M - Success comes easily to you.
Q - You are a hypocrite.
R - You are a social butterfly.
S - People think you are sexy, especially your bf/gf.
T - You have an attitude, a big one.
U - You usally are hella tight.
V - You are not judgemental.
W - You are very broad minded.
X - You never let people tell you what to do.
Y - You always make every experience Great

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

My Brains!!

So it is final exam time.....and this is pretty much how I feel lol. only someone else ate my brain, mushed it into the floor and then put it back! haha! I am soo tired of school right now but soon it will be all done and then it will be summer/working time! I am not going to Alberta anymore, I got offered a job at Home Depot so I am working there instead, which will be nice becuase I can stay here and hang out with friends! Anyhow that's my short little post on studying, that was done while I should have been studying!
Welp, See you later!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Some recent pictures

Look it's Ashley and Michelle....Ash is home and tanned! lol

Aww Sara and I are all decked out to go play in the massive amount of snow!!

Jordan and I at Michelle's Birthday

I should be writting an essay.......

but I'm not because school is almost done!!! so instead I have decided to make up a list of things I am going to do once school is done (that is in between finishing school and starting to study)

1) I want to cut my hair!
2) Finish my room and buy a new bedspread becuase we moved in, in September and it's still not done yet
3) Spend some time with Tung becuase she's leaving in apperently 116 days ahh!
4) See Adrienne......when did I last see her? I miss you!
5) Sleep...hang out and sleep!