Wednesday, November 15, 2006

AG BAG DRAG (goose)

So it has been a while as usual, and I was told to "post something with substance". Ha I would love to but I have other things, such as school, to do so no. Instead you get long over due pictures from AG BAG DRAG! (goose!) So enjoy!!

Michelle and I "Prinking" (Pre-Drinking) at Doris' house, by the way Ag Bag Drag(goose) is a costume event so I was a mechanic and Michelle was Peter Pan!
Doris (in the Pow-Wow shirt) and Danielle, both at Doris' house before
The man we all went to see Aaron Pritchett on stage!

Michelle and I during the show, having some fun!!

Andrew and Matt, our Rezzie friends who also joined us!

Almost the end of the night, Fous may or may not be passing out on Michelle. We all pretty much felt like this but Fous is the only one who actually would pass out in the middle of Praireland Park.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Exciting News!!

Ok so I really love this icy weather we have right now becuase I love when people fall! Ha I know it's mean but watching some one fall is soo funnny! Even more so when it isn't you! In general people falling down is funny, remember the poor kids in high school tripping up the stairs? Golden!

Anyhow my exciting news is that I got a new cell phone!! hurrah!!! And it's red! how sweet is that?? Come find me and i will show you it!

Bye for now!! P.S. Bre my next post will have pictures of Ag Bag Drag! (goose)