Monday, January 29, 2007


Wow, I know it has been a long time and all but I am finally doing a post. Just a short one, kind of like an overview of my life right now.

Ok, first up is school. Well this term is nuts! I have been so busy and have so many assignments due every week! I don't really mind the classes I am taking it's just that every single one has either a lab or weekly assignments, I can get overwhelming. Also I am still working at the Home Depot, a little too much, but still working there and starting next week it will be less! So that's great (Sorry Kate now I really won't see you!) I am still dating Riley, which you all know, and if you don't I'm dating a boy named Riley, who is from PA and in his 4th year at the U of S. So yea that's about it.

This week should be a good time, Doris is having an eviction shaker so everyone should show up! Keg, Jello shooters....what can go wrong? he's already evicted! So everyone who knows him should show up!

Oh Kate I just wanted to tell you that the poinsettia you "gave" me for Christmas is still alive!! Ha like 2 months and it only cost $3!! I'm thinking once it dies I am going to get one of those cute daffodils from work!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Russell Peters - Vietnam

So this is just a quick update, well not even an update...more like a nothing! lol Over the break I enjoyed the company of my cousin's and we definatly enjoyed Russell Peters! So if you havn't seen him before watch the clip and enjoy!