Sunday, January 27, 2008

Done for now...

...or atleast for a little while. Even though there has been a lack of posts for quite some time I have decided to keep my blog and maybe in my attempts to procrastinate this year I will update it....


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

For Kate/Jordan/Jamie:

I understand your frustration Kate, I truly do and for the most part have been trying to get into a regular posting routine. But that is my problem! I find that most people blog when they are bored...aka trying to avoid doing something (school! lol). So this is why I only post random blogs, because they are mostly from the library when I am bored and don't want to do homework. So maybe I will start to post when I am not bored too.

Second reason why I don't blog very often...I don't know what to talk about.

And lastly...I love Facebook! It's addicting and it's wayyy to easy to update/change! Too much enjoyment to delete that, actually Kate you should get it...nothing else but just Facebook.

Monday, April 02, 2007

The Junos!

The Stage before the show!

The Junos were this weekend and on Friday I decided that I wanted to go. It was kind of last minute but there were extra tickets going on sale on Saturday morning so I bought three tickets for Andrew, Riley and myself. What a good decision too, because it was a blast!! We got tickets right up front, at the performance stage, were the crowd was standing. We watched the Junos on Tv after we got home and it wasn't really as good as it was live, so it was fun to go! It was both Andrew and Riley's first time going to a concert, so it was defiantly a good one to go to because there were soo many different bands playing! It was great and so here are some pictures from the show!
You can't see this one very well, but that is K-Os on stage smashing his guitar and his keyboard! It was crazy!

Three Days Grace!

Riley and I during a commercial break!

Nelly Furtado!

City and Colour..aka Dallas Green!!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

One of the most wonderful times of the year!

Well it's that time of the year again.....Roll Up The Rim!!! Oh boy do I ever love this time! Every time I get coffee, which is great on it's own, I also get to play the lottery! Whooo coffee and the anticipation of winning something! Anyhow in my search to find an amazing picture of a coffee cup I found this article on Rim Disorder. Well enjoy your coffee and don't drink it too fast!
P.S. Kate! now i can't get rid of that pointsetta! Man I loved it but it's lost a bunch of leaves and looks stupid! And it won't DIE! I don't water it and still nothing!! Ahh I want a cute flower, not a Christmas flower!

Monday, January 29, 2007


Wow, I know it has been a long time and all but I am finally doing a post. Just a short one, kind of like an overview of my life right now.

Ok, first up is school. Well this term is nuts! I have been so busy and have so many assignments due every week! I don't really mind the classes I am taking it's just that every single one has either a lab or weekly assignments, I can get overwhelming. Also I am still working at the Home Depot, a little too much, but still working there and starting next week it will be less! So that's great (Sorry Kate now I really won't see you!) I am still dating Riley, which you all know, and if you don't I'm dating a boy named Riley, who is from PA and in his 4th year at the U of S. So yea that's about it.

This week should be a good time, Doris is having an eviction shaker so everyone should show up! Keg, Jello shooters....what can go wrong? he's already evicted! So everyone who knows him should show up!

Oh Kate I just wanted to tell you that the poinsettia you "gave" me for Christmas is still alive!! Ha like 2 months and it only cost $3!! I'm thinking once it dies I am going to get one of those cute daffodils from work!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Russell Peters - Vietnam

So this is just a quick update, well not even an update...more like a nothing! lol Over the break I enjoyed the company of my cousin's and we definatly enjoyed Russell Peters! So if you havn't seen him before watch the clip and enjoy!

Monday, December 11, 2006

My New Home!

So I was just informed that it is time for a new post, and I agree it has been quite some time but you have to understand that I have been studying for exams. So since I have been studying I thought it was about time to introduce you to my new house!

Michelle and I have been living in the Natural Science Library and it is essentially our second house. We like to spend several hours of time here, sometimes only 6 hours but on that rare occasion it can sky-rocket to an amazing 13 hours! We even have family here....that's right family! Our two newest friends are Kurt and Robin, two 3rd year physics majors who we spent a lot time with! They would watch our books when we left and we would watch there's when they left! They even helped us study for Biochemistry!

Now you might be wondering why would you ever want to spend that much time in a library? Well when you need to study you just need to sacrifice somethings. So Michelle and I do try our best to keep ourselves occupied when we get bored of studying. Michelle's favorite thing to do besides study is laugh, we think this may have something to do with this:

She really enjoys her Red Bull, and it makes for some interesting times in the library. The other really fun thing to do is go and watch the rabbits! Rabbits? Yes indeed, there are 4 rabbits in the biology building, that can make for a very amusing break from studying!! But most of the time Michelle and I are actually studying and this is generally what you would see:

So that is all for now!!! Good luck with finals everyone!!!