Wednesday, February 28, 2007

One of the most wonderful times of the year!

Well it's that time of the year again.....Roll Up The Rim!!! Oh boy do I ever love this time! Every time I get coffee, which is great on it's own, I also get to play the lottery! Whooo coffee and the anticipation of winning something! Anyhow in my search to find an amazing picture of a coffee cup I found this article on Rim Disorder. Well enjoy your coffee and don't drink it too fast!
P.S. Kate! now i can't get rid of that pointsetta! Man I loved it but it's lost a bunch of leaves and looks stupid! And it won't DIE! I don't water it and still nothing!! Ahh I want a cute flower, not a Christmas flower!


jamie* said...

Good old roll up the rim.

And Katherine? Haha before I go to Winnipeg...
We should throw a social. Introduce it to these people lol.

Jordan Diederichs said...

I had 3 Tim Horton's coffees yesterday and not one of them was a winner.

I was so depressed, haha.

Kate said...

Just put it in a bag, pretend it's dead, and throw it out. Nobody will know you're lying lol

bre said...

haha as funny as your undead pointsetta is, i wish i could keep my flowers alive!
the "Rim Disorder" article is hilarious!
ps. i miss dancing at the longbranch :(
how is life treating you in stoon these days??
love bre

jamie* said...

I love how I saw you at the Scuz!