Friday, June 09, 2006

I've crawled out of my hole to say...

I finally got around to many of you may of noticed I am not around that much seeing as I work the late shift at work! Well fotunatly that should soon be changing!! Ha one of my supervisours casually mentioned that I would "quit" (haha yea right) if I didn't get some mid-shifts...and now they are all up in a panic to change my shifts! lol greatness!

So between work and just getting my last wisdom tooth out I have not been too social! Which means that now you should all call me more often so I can develop better social skills and have some fun!!

On another note, it appears that I have a sign above my head that I cannot see that says: "Please wink at me." Not Even Kidding. Every where I go someone winks at me! Strangers, people I know.....everyone! It all started with Rodrigo (A guy I trained with who imigrated here from Cuba) winking at me but I was like "Whatever he's spanish and lots of spanish guys wink" Then random customers started winking at me, then co-workers I know and some I don't. Now randoms are bartenders, people passing me!! It's retarded!!! Like what the heck!! I'm not doing anything different from like a month ago!! AHH I'm turning into a paranoid person!!.....hmm maybe I'm winking at people and I just don't know it! hmm do I do that guys? because if so it would all make sense....hmm that could be it....I mean Mary didn't know that she bats her eyelashes a lot......if I winked at you tell me lol! Welp I guess we'll find out eventually.

Well that's all so "Good morning, and if I don't see you Good afternoon, Good evening and Goodnight!" (good ol' Jim Carrey)

Current Music: Crazy - Gnarles Bently


Kate said...

finally! jeez!

"casually" mention to that same supervisor that you absolutely MUST have the 24th and 25th off work. or else you might consider quitting again. yep. cuz we're going camping.

Civil Whisper said...

Nice cleav. :P