Friday, August 25, 2006

The Biggest Liar is...

So I have the biggest cold ever and last night at midnight I thought I was not going to get any sleep at all so I go on a mad hunt for some sort of medicine to stop my runny nose. After searching my entire house all I could find was some kid's cough and runny nose medicine...Those thin strips kind. So I check the date they expire on and it is 2006 Au. Hmm well it is august so they will still probably work!

Now up to this point I am thinking this is going to be ok, until I read the bold print on the front Great Taste! Melts in an instant!...This is when it occurred to be, Medicine companies are the biggest liars ever! Medicines never taste good, the only one that I can think of is the grape Dimatapp but that's it! So I take 2 (children over 12 take 2 strips every 4-6 hours) and of course they taste terrible and to add to the grossness, they don't melt in an instant they get all mushy and stick to your teeth and tongue and it was just bad! So after half and hour it's not working, so I decide to take a 3rd one as I am a little bit over the age of 12. That's when I practically pass out because I was all of a sudden super tired, that's when I read the box where it says May cause drowsiness. May?!? More like will! I felt like some one shot me with a tranquilizer! (The good think is I slept really well!)

So the moral of the story is never believe the medicine companies and well don't get sick because it sucks!


Jordan Diederichs said...

Banana Medicing tastes good to.

jamie* said...

oh my god that stuff rocked.
i always was sick while my parents smoked so i lived off it at least twice a month.

I cried when they said i was too old to use it...

Kate said...

me too! I used to have to take it all the time! I wish... now they give you shitty tasting pills...

bre said...

aww... i hope you're feeling better!
i think i might be sick soon... this new room on res is quite dirty. when i sat on my bed this morning, a huge cloud of dust flew in front of the window and i couldn't see... so... yeah.
anyways, im home next weekend... if you're around we should hang out.

Jordan Diederichs said...

Update your DAMN BLOG!