Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Exciting News!!

Ok so I really love this icy weather we have right now becuase I love when people fall! Ha I know it's mean but watching some one fall is soo funnny! Even more so when it isn't you! In general people falling down is funny, remember the poor kids in high school tripping up the stairs? Golden!

Anyhow my exciting news is that I got a new cell phone!! hurrah!!! And it's red! how sweet is that?? Come find me and i will show you it!

Bye for now!! P.S. Bre my next post will have pictures of Ag Bag Drag! (goose)


Kate said...

...that was me falling up the stairs in high school... lol usually with a full plate of food from the servery too.

Jordan Diederichs said...

Man, I fell up the stairs so many times in highschool, especially in grade nine, and then all the seniors would laugh at me.

Then when I became a senior I just started pushing freshman down the stairs to make myself feel better, haha.

I feel so bad for me.

Anonymous said...

love the new phone, very chic.

Oh, and I fell today, I am sure it was you fault, I will never forgive you.

startsky said...


i didn't fall!!

suck it all of you!! hahaha