Wednesday, April 11, 2007

For Kate/Jordan/Jamie:

I understand your frustration Kate, I truly do and for the most part have been trying to get into a regular posting routine. But that is my problem! I find that most people blog when they are bored...aka trying to avoid doing something (school! lol). So this is why I only post random blogs, because they are mostly from the library when I am bored and don't want to do homework. So maybe I will start to post when I am not bored too.

Second reason why I don't blog very often...I don't know what to talk about.

And lastly...I love Facebook! It's addicting and it's wayyy to easy to update/change! Too much enjoyment to delete that, actually Kate you should get it...nothing else but just Facebook.


Kate said...

Not a chance. Facebook can eat my ass lol. I'm fighting The Man on this one Katherine lol

Jordan Diederichs said...

I love facebook, Katherine was completely right about it. WAYYYYY better than Myspace (I'm sick of lousy Myspace Creepers clogging up the networks). Also Katherine was right about Shiny Toy Guns, anywho, I pretty much think that we should all just start listening to Katherine.
And yes, I deffinitely just update when I'm bored and trying to avoid work... which is pretty much always.

jamie* said...