Thursday, May 11, 2006

So is all of Saskatoon sick?

This is probably what the crappy doctors at the minor emergency clinic would tell me to they would give me a cream cus they always give you a random cream......

So I hate being absolutely detest being sick. For the last few days I had the whole sore throat thing but I kept on telling myself it was nothing and that it would go away.....but then again really who am I kidding!! It is now a full blown sore throat, runny nose, ear ache/infection sickness!! Gahh!! I'm drinking water like a camel in the middle of the dessert and still no luck in making this go away. But anyhow that's my life right sleep, runny nose, no talking kinda life! And in my distraught and sick mental state I came to the conclusion that Saskatoon is sick! Seriously almost everyone I have talked to is sick! Mary is, Michelle is (she was before the whole wisdom teeth thing) and just about everyone at work (I personally blame these people for making me sick! lol) so yea there it is a bold statement of Saskatoon is sick!

Sorry if it was kinda ramble-y but I wanted to get it out of my system, I was sick and I only got 2 hours of sleep last night/this night....

Welp, See yea later!

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