Sunday, October 29, 2006

Update time...

Ok so I know it has been and extremely long time since I last posted but this is only because I have been soooo busy! I feel like Friday was the day that I got my life back, since midterms and all my papers are done, for now at least. So lets see where my all my energy has gone! Ok so I wrote some wicked papers, spend five hours in a physics lab and then wrote 3 midterms including one last Saturday! I am also working and am dating a great guy I met a little while ago. So yea, my time has been pretty filled up and to top off everything I am sick! Whoo I love being sick!!!

So this up coming week is going to be just as crazy, only it will be crazy full with fun things!! Tuesday is Halloween which is great, and then Thursday is Dixie Chicks and Friday is AG BAG DRAG!!! whooo I'm am soooo excited for this! It is going to be great!!! So this was just a quick post and I think I really need some idea's for future posts so if you have any leave them!!

Oh and you should download these songs because they are great....
Lapland by Ratatat
Seventeen Years by Ratatat
Girl America by Mat Kearney
Kick Push by Lupe Fiasco


nodontshoot said...



startsky said...

I concur Kayla. And on a more morose note, I will not be attending the AG BAG DRAG because it's Gabe's birthday party on friday night.. shitholeass.

I love you anyway Katherine.

bre said...

man i miss out on a lot of details living in this mountaneous province. next time please phone or email or write your blog sooner lol
next post idea: ag bag drag with pictures! :)
love you!