Friday, May 12, 2006

Today was a first...

Wow, what to say about was frusterating. Several time through out the day I just felt like crying, I was a mess and I was pissed at a certain person. I mean I have been mad at Joe (we'll call certain person that to make it easier) before but never like today. Today I was mad all day and when I talked to Joe tonight, it all came pouring out....I snapped. I was soo mad and I let the world know I was mad. Wow, I mean I have known Joe for almost six years and we have had little spits every once in a while but tonight it was a full out brawl. All my anger and frusteration from the last serveral days hit the fan. It was not pretty, but that said it feels better to get if off my chest and I'm sorry but i needed to vent.

1 comment:

startsky said...

*hugs and molests*

i hope it gets better darling!