Monday, December 11, 2006

My New Home!

So I was just informed that it is time for a new post, and I agree it has been quite some time but you have to understand that I have been studying for exams. So since I have been studying I thought it was about time to introduce you to my new house!

Michelle and I have been living in the Natural Science Library and it is essentially our second house. We like to spend several hours of time here, sometimes only 6 hours but on that rare occasion it can sky-rocket to an amazing 13 hours! We even have family here....that's right family! Our two newest friends are Kurt and Robin, two 3rd year physics majors who we spent a lot time with! They would watch our books when we left and we would watch there's when they left! They even helped us study for Biochemistry!

Now you might be wondering why would you ever want to spend that much time in a library? Well when you need to study you just need to sacrifice somethings. So Michelle and I do try our best to keep ourselves occupied when we get bored of studying. Michelle's favorite thing to do besides study is laugh, we think this may have something to do with this:

She really enjoys her Red Bull, and it makes for some interesting times in the library. The other really fun thing to do is go and watch the rabbits! Rabbits? Yes indeed, there are 4 rabbits in the biology building, that can make for a very amusing break from studying!! But most of the time Michelle and I are actually studying and this is generally what you would see:

So that is all for now!!! Good luck with finals everyone!!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

AG BAG DRAG (goose)

So it has been a while as usual, and I was told to "post something with substance". Ha I would love to but I have other things, such as school, to do so no. Instead you get long over due pictures from AG BAG DRAG! (goose!) So enjoy!!

Michelle and I "Prinking" (Pre-Drinking) at Doris' house, by the way Ag Bag Drag(goose) is a costume event so I was a mechanic and Michelle was Peter Pan!
Doris (in the Pow-Wow shirt) and Danielle, both at Doris' house before
The man we all went to see Aaron Pritchett on stage!

Michelle and I during the show, having some fun!!

Andrew and Matt, our Rezzie friends who also joined us!

Almost the end of the night, Fous may or may not be passing out on Michelle. We all pretty much felt like this but Fous is the only one who actually would pass out in the middle of Praireland Park.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Exciting News!!

Ok so I really love this icy weather we have right now becuase I love when people fall! Ha I know it's mean but watching some one fall is soo funnny! Even more so when it isn't you! In general people falling down is funny, remember the poor kids in high school tripping up the stairs? Golden!

Anyhow my exciting news is that I got a new cell phone!! hurrah!!! And it's red! how sweet is that?? Come find me and i will show you it!

Bye for now!! P.S. Bre my next post will have pictures of Ag Bag Drag! (goose)

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Update time...

Ok so I know it has been and extremely long time since I last posted but this is only because I have been soooo busy! I feel like Friday was the day that I got my life back, since midterms and all my papers are done, for now at least. So lets see where my all my energy has gone! Ok so I wrote some wicked papers, spend five hours in a physics lab and then wrote 3 midterms including one last Saturday! I am also working and am dating a great guy I met a little while ago. So yea, my time has been pretty filled up and to top off everything I am sick! Whoo I love being sick!!!

So this up coming week is going to be just as crazy, only it will be crazy full with fun things!! Tuesday is Halloween which is great, and then Thursday is Dixie Chicks and Friday is AG BAG DRAG!!! whooo I'm am soooo excited for this! It is going to be great!!! So this was just a quick post and I think I really need some idea's for future posts so if you have any leave them!!

Oh and you should download these songs because they are great....
Lapland by Ratatat
Seventeen Years by Ratatat
Girl America by Mat Kearney
Kick Push by Lupe Fiasco

Sunday, October 15, 2006

First Snow!

Ok so I know that not everyone is going to be thirlled with this post but I just realized something. I love snow! I love the first snow of the year and even more than the first snow of the year I love snow that falls over night! My favorite is when it begins to snow at night and then it continues to snow all night long! There is something so comforting about being in your warm house watching the snow fall, or listening to the snow blowing outside! I really do love snow, so I thought I would tell you all this since it is snowing outside now! Hurrah!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A New Month

Ok so I admit it has been quite some time since I have made a real post. Actaully it has been a extremly long time, but oh well! It seems that Jordan has this ability to pressure everyone into things simply by commenting on a blog. As you may or may not have noticed (since I didn't change a whole lot) I switched to Beta Blogger becuase Jordan said so. Way to go Jordan you have an influence on me! lol

So what has happened in the time since school started? Well lots! Michelle and Mary are both able to get into the bars legally, we've had a few good adventures with Agriculture so far (we'll actually only one, one more soon! AG Bag Drag! GOOSE!) and I do expect you all to come out to that one as Aaron Prichett is playing, I mean honestly you have to come see him! Also there has been the school work. Wow I had complaining about school work but honestly each year it becomes more and more. I thought I had a lot last year? No way can that compare to this year. Granted I am writting this when I should be studying but really I'll just call it a study break!

Anyhow that is all you get this time...maybe I'll post again later this week!

P.S. wow so appently the comment on the last blog was anonymous, but I definatly thought it was by Jordan...sorry bout that!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Love is...

The best way to sum up love is:

The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return.

Friday, August 25, 2006

The Biggest Liar is...

So I have the biggest cold ever and last night at midnight I thought I was not going to get any sleep at all so I go on a mad hunt for some sort of medicine to stop my runny nose. After searching my entire house all I could find was some kid's cough and runny nose medicine...Those thin strips kind. So I check the date they expire on and it is 2006 Au. Hmm well it is august so they will still probably work!

Now up to this point I am thinking this is going to be ok, until I read the bold print on the front Great Taste! Melts in an instant!...This is when it occurred to be, Medicine companies are the biggest liars ever! Medicines never taste good, the only one that I can think of is the grape Dimatapp but that's it! So I take 2 (children over 12 take 2 strips every 4-6 hours) and of course they taste terrible and to add to the grossness, they don't melt in an instant they get all mushy and stick to your teeth and tongue and it was just bad! So after half and hour it's not working, so I decide to take a 3rd one as I am a little bit over the age of 12. That's when I practically pass out because I was all of a sudden super tired, that's when I read the box where it says May cause drowsiness. May?!? More like will! I felt like some one shot me with a tranquilizer! (The good think is I slept really well!)

So the moral of the story is never believe the medicine companies and well don't get sick because it sucks!

Monday, August 14, 2006

My weekend/past month

So Kate doesn't think we update our blogs enough so this one is for her.

Well the last 3 weeks of my summer have been all about school. I am currently taking a summer class at the university and I am starting to think it was a bad decision! The class has so much material and as so it feels like brain is going to explode! Actually in general I just feel like crap, pretty much I get up at 6, get to school at 8 have class till 11 then have a lab from 12 to 3 get home at 4 and then work from 5 to 10. So if you are wondering where I am it is probally a pretty good bet that I am in one of 3, work or bed! Haha!

The good thing is that my class is done on thursday so after that we can all make plans to party atleat one last time before school starts again! Really this can't be too hard becuase we have 19 days before school starts..well we actually have 22 days but that the 19 is from when i am done school. Surely somewhere in those 19 days we can find a time to get the lush squad together for a good time!!

Anyhow i should get back to my lab report so leave a comment if you want!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Where the Hell is Matt?

I love this video, it would be soo much fun to do.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Sara's Birthday

So tonight was Sara's birthday and it was a good time had by all....or so i hope!! We first went out to BP's followed by Riely's. It was definalty a good time and I believe it is my duty to recap a few of the highlights:

1. So Sara did a shot out of the waitresses boobs........who arranged this??
2. The fact that the manager gave us each a free pitcher of booze....awsome!
3. The DJ gave a shout out to the lush squad and i quote "This is a shout out to the lush squad who will be drinking alll night long!!!"
4. And finally the moment we found out that there is a bar in the girls washroom....and the bartender is a guy....hmmm intersting lol

So it was definalty a good night full of boozing, shots and lots of dancing!! Overall I good birthday I believe!! Anyhow i better get off to bed!


P.S. I applogize to Kate and who ever else is disappointeed in me not updating my more often but my laptop broke down and is getting fixed so I havn't really been on this or MSN lately!! Sorry!!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Steady As She Goes - The Raconteurs

so all I have to say is you should definatly listen to this song...because it's pretty grood (good/great lol)!

Friday, June 09, 2006

I've crawled out of my hole to say...

I finally got around to many of you may of noticed I am not around that much seeing as I work the late shift at work! Well fotunatly that should soon be changing!! Ha one of my supervisours casually mentioned that I would "quit" (haha yea right) if I didn't get some mid-shifts...and now they are all up in a panic to change my shifts! lol greatness!

So between work and just getting my last wisdom tooth out I have not been too social! Which means that now you should all call me more often so I can develop better social skills and have some fun!!

On another note, it appears that I have a sign above my head that I cannot see that says: "Please wink at me." Not Even Kidding. Every where I go someone winks at me! Strangers, people I know.....everyone! It all started with Rodrigo (A guy I trained with who imigrated here from Cuba) winking at me but I was like "Whatever he's spanish and lots of spanish guys wink" Then random customers started winking at me, then co-workers I know and some I don't. Now randoms are bartenders, people passing me!! It's retarded!!! Like what the heck!! I'm not doing anything different from like a month ago!! AHH I'm turning into a paranoid person!!.....hmm maybe I'm winking at people and I just don't know it! hmm do I do that guys? because if so it would all make sense....hmm that could be it....I mean Mary didn't know that she bats her eyelashes a lot......if I winked at you tell me lol! Welp I guess we'll find out eventually.

Well that's all so "Good morning, and if I don't see you Good afternoon, Good evening and Goodnight!" (good ol' Jim Carrey)

Current Music: Crazy - Gnarles Bently

Sunday, May 28, 2006


I felt the need to share these quotes from last night....(Michelle is in italics)

"Hey Michelle....where's your bra?" "Oh, it's around..."

"So how do you figure guy on guy action is hot?" "Well...isn't girl on girl action hot?"
This was Michelle trying to defend Brokeback Mountain to Doris' guy friends...she was drunk and she still made a very good observation...I was proud!

"Have you ever realized Kokanee labels look like underwear when they are peeled off?" "No way!!!"

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Bahhh hahahaha

So tonight I definalty feel like this:

Bahhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.......ha....ha...ha.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Since I am on a roll...

Choose a band/artist: Coldplay

Answer the following questions ONLY using titles of their songs.

1. Are you male or female: Lips Like Sugar
2. Describe yourself: Green Eyes
4. How do you feel about yourself: Swallowed By The Sea
3. How do some people feel about you: A Warning Sign
5. Describe your ex gf/bf: A Whisper
6. Describe current gf/bf: Where Is My Boy
7. Describe where you want to be: In My Place
8. Describe how you live: You Only Live Twice
9. What would you ask for if you had just one wish: The World Turned Upside Down
10. Share a few words of Wisdom: Don't Panic
11. Now say goodbye: See You Soon

Song Thing!

Directions:Put your music player on shuffle.
Press forward for each question.
Use the song title as the answer to the question.
No cheating!

How am I feeling today?
Always Love - Nada Surf

Will I get far in life?
Be Still My Heart - The Postal Service

How do my friends see me?
Gold Digger - Kanye West

When will I get Married?
Goodnight Goodnight - Hot Hot Heat

What's my best friend's theme song?
New Slang - The Shins

What is the story of my life?
Against All Odds - The Postal Service

What is/was highschool like?
Nth Degree - Morning Wood

How can I get ahead in life?
Unexplained Hunger - Choclair

What is the best thing about me?
Attention - The Academy Is...

How is today going to be?
Broken Drum - Beck

What is in store for this weekend?
Union - Black Eyed Peas

What song describes my parents?
In The Waiting Line - Zero 7
What song describes my grandparents?
Headlock - Imogen Heap

How is my life going?
Dirt Off Your Shoulder - DJ Danger Mouse

What song will they play at my funeral?
Such Great Hieghts - Iron & Wine

How does the world see me?
Morning Yearning - Ben Harper

Will I have a happy life?
Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime - Beck

What song describes my relationships with my friends?
Walkie Talkie Man - Steriogram

What song describes my romantic status?
Tigress - Songs:Ohia

Friday, May 19, 2006

Wow, what a night!

So tonight was a gong show... lets just say that I have been dubed a Guardian Angel (yea, that's right I am a fricken angel!) and it was lots of fun had by most lol!! and now it is 4:30 AM and I am thinking I should head off to bed..

Welp, See you later!

Fun Alphabet thing cus I am bored and it's 4am lol

[A is for age:] 19
[B is for beer of choice:] Kokanee
[C is for career:] University/Home Depot
[D is for your dog's name:] aww I wish I owned a dog
[E is for essential items you use everyday:] My Laptop
[F is for favorite song at the moment:] Barley Listening - Pilate
[H is for Hometown:] Saskatoon, SK
[I is for instruments you play:] None anymore. But I usedto play the flute and piano.
[J is for favorite juice?:] The Tropical Combo sun-ray stuff?
[K is for kids?] None yet.
[L is for last hug?:] haha uhh Steve, a friend of Doris' from Leader lol
[M is for marriage:] Someday.
[N is for name of who you love:] Mom and Dad.
[O is for overnight hospital stays:] umm 3? two for ear infections when I was little and 1 is for a week i stayed when i was dehydrated
[P is for phobias:] fish....not pretty goldfish but the lake fish.....
[Q is for quote:] "you can make oil from chickens" michelle on chicken-oil
>missing R<
[S is for status:] Happily single
[T is for time you wake up:] Depends on what time I work at but around 11.
[U is for underwear you are wearing:] pink with lace trim...and responds well to compliments on bum lol, michele gave them to me and I love 'em
[V is for vegetable you love:] Peas
[W is for worst habit:] Swearing
[X is for x-rays you've had:] Dental, Ankle, and a body? one...i dunno i was a little drugged lol
[Y is for yummy food you make:] Mmm food, I love this stir-fry I make, but i can make just about anything.
[Z is for zodiac sign:] Pisces

Friday, May 12, 2006

Today was a first...

Wow, what to say about was frusterating. Several time through out the day I just felt like crying, I was a mess and I was pissed at a certain person. I mean I have been mad at Joe (we'll call certain person that to make it easier) before but never like today. Today I was mad all day and when I talked to Joe tonight, it all came pouring out....I snapped. I was soo mad and I let the world know I was mad. Wow, I mean I have known Joe for almost six years and we have had little spits every once in a while but tonight it was a full out brawl. All my anger and frusteration from the last serveral days hit the fan. It was not pretty, but that said it feels better to get if off my chest and I'm sorry but i needed to vent.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

So is all of Saskatoon sick?

This is probably what the crappy doctors at the minor emergency clinic would tell me to they would give me a cream cus they always give you a random cream......

So I hate being absolutely detest being sick. For the last few days I had the whole sore throat thing but I kept on telling myself it was nothing and that it would go away.....but then again really who am I kidding!! It is now a full blown sore throat, runny nose, ear ache/infection sickness!! Gahh!! I'm drinking water like a camel in the middle of the dessert and still no luck in making this go away. But anyhow that's my life right sleep, runny nose, no talking kinda life! And in my distraught and sick mental state I came to the conclusion that Saskatoon is sick! Seriously almost everyone I have talked to is sick! Mary is, Michelle is (she was before the whole wisdom teeth thing) and just about everyone at work (I personally blame these people for making me sick! lol) so yea there it is a bold statement of Saskatoon is sick!

Sorry if it was kinda ramble-y but I wanted to get it out of my system, I was sick and I only got 2 hours of sleep last night/this night....

Welp, See yea later!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Summer sucks? says who?

So lately I have been reading people's blogs about how much summer sucks. And it has dawned on me that I can't say that it has! Now of course this summer is going to be different from previous ones but can I mention that unless you have been living under a rock, we have all changed. Every year we have changed. I don't think I can ever replicate that summer when all Michele and I did was chew gum, spied on our neighbours with our walkie-talkie's (they picked up phone calls! we thought it rocked!) and sawm in my pool. Now your all thinking "well duh, you were 8!" but it's no different wether it was 11 years ago or 2.
Now on to this summer. So far it has been fun! It has been relaxing, and crazy too! Let's see what has been accomplished so far:

- had one crazy good night on campus at rez, where we hucked a stero off of one of the buildings.
- had a great night at the branch dancing and such...can someone tell me why we havn't been going there more often?
-had that adventure...that involved climbing...and making a fool of myself...'nuff said
-we stole a sign from ripped the fricken sign out of the ground

That's michelle licking the sign once we got it into the apartment

-had a great time "longboarding"Adrienne, Tamarah and I really just drove Landon's car and towed him back up the hill lol!

-And finally Fireworks...need I say more?

Jackie and I playing with sparklers...actually I believe we are spelling our names! lol

So as a generally review it appears that my summer has been great so far. You can also add on that my new job is great, and the people are fun and so that makes summer suck a whole lot less! So all you people who are having crappy summers, well it appears you just need to invite me lol! just kidding, but we should hang out cus there are fun times to be had!

Welp, see yea later!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

This one is for TUNG!!!

Super old picture but still fun none the less!!!

Well this post is kinda for Tamarah because we need to have a record of our tasks to do before you here they are!

1. Have a photo shoot because I do believe we havn't had one yet!!
2. Have a work lunch together because we work so close to each other now!
3. Go to Landon's lake
4. Have our One Tree Hill Marathon...also now known as OTHM

And finally number 5 which will have to be a huge group thing....Go out with a group of people in our Grad dresses/outfits!!

Friday, April 21, 2006


Haha this is one of my girls, on my last day of you can tell I worked them real hard! lol

Well Monday was the last day that I worked at Arby's and as of today they can no longer call me in!! Whoo...actually it was kinda bitter sweet. I really was disliking my job there but it was my first job ever! and I've been there for sooo long! Anyhow the last day of work was a gong show as always! Lets see what happened:
-I was late by 30 minutes cus apperenalty I can't read
-I had to haul buns across Quebec cus our bun deliver guy never showed up lol..(but I got to yell at him and his boss on the phone! bonus!)
-I got water dumped on me when the fridge began to defrost! lol...white shirt + water = not cool
-And lastly I managed to get my arm stuck in a napkin dispenser lol

Overall it was a shift I will never forget lol!!!

But the best news about jobs is that I started my new job at The Home Depot today! Hurrah! Actually it was just orientation but it was a blast!! There are two crazy guys in my group from Columbia, who don't really speak english which is sweet..Rodrigo taught me Spanish today lol! And there is a girl that I am working with that is awsome! Overall a much better day at work that at Arby's!!! hoo-rahh!!!!

Friday, April 14, 2006

It fits!!!!

Ok so I know this is retarded but meh!! I was super family is gone away for Easter, and I am alone with a lot of time to waste. So I found my Grad dress. "Hmm...Do you think it'll still fit?" questioned me to myself. So with all my time to waste I tried it on! And it still fits!! hurrah!!

So there I am in my kitchen in my still fitting grad dress, late at night (sorry about the crappy was taken on my web cam..)

See what I mean about kinda retarded? But oh well it is great! It still fits!

Some Random Letter Thing

Well I was bored and I saw this on Jamie's blog so I decided to do it too. It was great, you should all try it lol!

K - You like to try new things.
a - You always want some action.
t - You have an attitude, a big one.
h - You have very good personality and looks.
e - You are popular with all types of people.
r - You are a social butterfly.
i - Love is something you deeply believe in.
n - You can be very "FUN"
e - You are popular with all types of people.


A - You always want some action.
B - You are always cautious when it comes to meeting new people.
C - You definitely have a partier side in you.
D - You have trouble trusting people.
E - You are popular with all types of people.
F - Fake.
G - You are very friendly and undestanding.
H - You have very good personality and looks.
I - Love is something you deeply believe in.
J - Everyone loves you.
K - You like to try new things.
L - You are always smiling and making others smile.
M - Success comes easily to you.
N - You can be very "FUN"
O - You love foreplay.
P - You are very friendly and understanding.
M - Success comes easily to you.
Q - You are a hypocrite.
R - You are a social butterfly.
S - People think you are sexy, especially your bf/gf.
T - You have an attitude, a big one.
U - You usally are hella tight.
V - You are not judgemental.
W - You are very broad minded.
X - You never let people tell you what to do.
Y - You always make every experience Great

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

My Brains!!

So it is final exam time.....and this is pretty much how I feel lol. only someone else ate my brain, mushed it into the floor and then put it back! haha! I am soo tired of school right now but soon it will be all done and then it will be summer/working time! I am not going to Alberta anymore, I got offered a job at Home Depot so I am working there instead, which will be nice becuase I can stay here and hang out with friends! Anyhow that's my short little post on studying, that was done while I should have been studying!
Welp, See you later!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Some recent pictures

Look it's Ashley and Michelle....Ash is home and tanned! lol

Aww Sara and I are all decked out to go play in the massive amount of snow!!

Jordan and I at Michelle's Birthday

I should be writting an essay.......

but I'm not because school is almost done!!! so instead I have decided to make up a list of things I am going to do once school is done (that is in between finishing school and starting to study)

1) I want to cut my hair!
2) Finish my room and buy a new bedspread becuase we moved in, in September and it's still not done yet
3) Spend some time with Tung becuase she's leaving in apperently 116 days ahh!
4) See Adrienne......when did I last see her? I miss you!
5) Sleep...hang out and sleep!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Alberta for summer?

Well yesterday I got a phone call from AgriCore United and they would like me move to Alberta for the summer and work there! Kinda of crazy!! I applied to work with them in Saskatchewan but all the spots here have been filled so they want me in Alberta instead! I would be working as a "Crop Scout" lol and I would be in charge of walking the crops and determining the status of the crops and any weeds in it. It sounds like a blast, but I think I am going to see if they have any avaliable spots in Manitoba because then I could live at the farm and go to the lake often...anyhow just a quick update on my summer plans!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Mid-university crisis....or just plain confusion!

Since I can remember I have always wanted to be a veterinarian...for ever! But recently a little thing called reality snuck up on me and beat my head in. I realized that I won't get in next year, no one gets in as a second year, heck most people don't get in till they have a degree. Which got me thinking even more....maybe I should just stick we a degree....still try to get in but if I don't then just get a degree in Animal Sciences. That way I would still work with animals but maybe I could also travel the world a bit!

So on a crazy whim I looked up jobs in Animal Sciences...and there are a lot! From places such as Australia, Mexico, South Africa, to Brazil! There are so many different places I could travel, which would be great because it is work, but you get paid to travel, which is great!

And now I am kinda confused! Do I stay in Pre-Vet or do I continue on to Animal Science? It's kinda crazy and I'm not sure but I thought I'd let everyone hear about my confusion and my general life story at the moment lol!

welp thanks for listening!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Deliver Me

Well it's been a while and it seems that my life is so crazy right is crazy, some friends are leaving and more are coming home. It just seems that I am out of every loop and I am starting to question everything I do! I am even starting to wonder if I should be going to school, or if I should change's very random! But anyhow I heard this song it's called Deliver Me by David Crowder and it seems to sum up my life right now and it's a pretty great song so yea here are the lyrics..

Deliver me out of the sadness
Deliver me from all the madness
Deliver me courage to guide me
Deliver me Your strength inside me

All of my lifeI've been in hiding
Wishing there was someone just like You
Now that You're here
Now that I've found You
I know that You're the One to pull me through

Deliver me loving and caring
Deliver me giving and sharing
Deliver me this cross that I'm bearing
Oh, deliver me

Jesus, Jesus how I trust You
How I've proved You o'er and o'er
Jesus, Jesus precious Jesus
Deliver me
Come and pull me through
Come pull me through